Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists in the educational setting provide support and services in a wide array of areas that affect a child’s behavior and performance in the classroom. Examples include: handwriting strategies, attention to task, organizational skills, fine and gross motor skills, and visual perception as it relates to academics, as well as improving independence with basic self-help skills that are performed at school.

An occupational therapist at DCS works with students individually or in small groups, either in the classroom or therapy room, depending on specific student needs. OT provides consultation services to academic teams as needed. Our goal is to help children participate in what they need and/or want to do in the school setting- at their greatest level of independence - in order to promote physical and mental health and well-being.

DCS Occupational Therapist:

Alison Grann

[email protected]

Please contact the school for more information. 603-463-7422