English Language Arts

We believe that a child’s most important teacher is the parent. By providing a language-rich environment at home and making reading and discussion an everyday part of your lives, you impact your child’s attitude and success in school. Thank you for helping us reach these goals!

Literacy Department Contacts

Literacy Department Contacts:

English Language Arts
English Language Arts

English Language Arts

The goal of English Language Arts instruction at DCS is for students to become proficient readers, communicators and life-long learners.

The curriculum is built around the following guiding principles:

Guiding Principles

Good Readers…

  • Need exposure to daily literacy instruction, which is explicit, systematic, and in context.
  • Must be able to think critically and make judgments about a variety of complex texts including literary, informational, and practical.
  • Employ multiple strategies and processes to understand the written word.
  • Make choices for reading that are wide and varied.
  • Are positive about their ability to learn to read.

Good Writers…

  • Need authentic writing experiences with varied audiences and purposes.
  • Must have exposure to quality literature and informational texts.
  • Learn from teacher modeling, direct instruction, and feedback.
  • Need high expectations.
  • Validation – Time to share their work as authors.
  • Must have exposure to and authentic instruction in expanding vocabulary.
  • Opportunities to speak, explain, demonstrate, and express their learning verbally.

Good Communicators…

  • Need ample opportunities to read widely. Reading is highly correlated with vocabulary knowledge.
  • Are immersed in rich and meaningful conversations essential to good language instruction.
  • Are exposed to effective language use and vocabulary in the context of teaching reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Need ample opportunities to generate questions and lead classroom discussions.
  • Collaboration opportunities to develop questioning, reasoning, evaluating, and communication skills.