Policies and Protocols

Policies and Protocols

For a full list of all our policies, please click the first link.

Deerfield Community School Policies****

Student Safety and Violence Prevention****

Early Pickups

If you intend to pick up your child early, it must be no later than 2:25 p.m. due to the timing of buses lining up at the school for end-of-day dismissal. When you arrive at the school for early pickup, please park and proceed to the main office to officially check-in and wait for your child there.


If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the main office at 603-463-7422, option 6, before 7:30 a.m. (Do not call or email the teachers.)

If a student does not show up for school, someone from the school will call you or the designated adult at the primary phone number listed on your child’s emergency contact form.

In-School Illness

If your student is not feeling well, he or she must first go to the nurse. She will then determine if dismissal is needed. Due to liability reasons, a text from a student to a parent is not an acceptable reason for a child to be dismissed due to illness.

Dress Code Policy

In the event a particular dress style detracts from the educational process/atmosphere, constitutes a threat to the safety and the health of self or others, or is in violation of lawful statutes, the school will take corrective action.

Students should not wear clothing that is deemed unsafe or disruptive to the learning environment or clothing that is offensive. When a student’s appearance is deemed unsafe, disruptive or offensive, the student will be required to call and/or return home to correct the problem if the situation cannot be rectified at school.


Students who choose to bring electronic devices (mp3 players, video players, laptops, calculators, game systems, or other “handheld devices” etc…) to school must accept responsibility for their possessions. Theft and intentional destruction of other people’s property are considered a crime. The school and/or police will address this situation. Typically, these devices are not used during the school day. Exceptions can be made with a staff member’s permission.

Cell Phones are not permitted to be used in the building by any student during the school day (8:00-2:30). During the school day, cell phones must be turned off and will not be answered until the end of the day.


Technology Software Inventory Privacy Policy

The DCS Student Handbook

We are committed to creating a safe, respectful and cooperative school community. The policies, guidelines, and procedures in place exist to ensure we have a safe environment conducive to learning. Please review our handbook, which serves as a guideline for students, parents, and guardians to help them understand the procedures at Deerfield Community School.

Link to 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Drop Off & Pick Up View @ DCS