Food Services
How to Order Lunch for Your Student
Lunch orders are taken from each classroom every day. Your student can choose what they would like using the menu provided.
Late Lunch Orders
Your student can let the office or homeroom teacher know what they would like to eat for the day and the information will be passed on to the kitchen.
Payments can be made in cash or by check. Please make checks out to “Deerfield Community School” and remember to include your child’s name on the check!
We also have an online payment system.
First, create an account for your child, then you can add funds. When your child gets hot lunch, the amount will automatically be deducted from the account.
MySchooBucks Payment System:
Free and Reduced Lunches
Families may apply for Free or Reduced School Meals at any time during the year. FAQs and an income guideline chart as well as an application are available at the main office. Information and PDFs are also available on this site.